It takes 7 seconds to make an impression

We do it with an accent wall

Transform Your Space with Stunning Accent Walls!

Looking to add a touch of luxury and personality to your home? Look no further! Meru Accent Walls specializes in creating captivating accent walls that will elevate your living spaces to a whole new level.

Our Process

Fill out our Introduction Questionnaire

Help us get to know you and what you’re looking to achieve in your space, send us a picture of the space and a few inspirational pictures so we can help you create your custom design.

Schedule Your Virtual Video Consult

Let’s talk! During this step of the process, we get to know each other, learn about your space, talk Accent Wall design ideas and paint colors, explain our Install Day process, and finalize the next steps.

Schedule Your Install Day

This is the most fun step of them all! We typically like to arrive first thing in the morning to get started. We always say we love to hang out with our clients, but we want to be in and out, so you can start enjoying your newly elevated space. Projects typically take about 8 hours to complete, so you can expect us to be in and out in one day! (Yes, we promise it’s that easy!)

¡Start Your Project Today!

Embark on the journey towards realizing your dream project with our professional team.